
Modern healthcare environments are a complex and variable challenge for designers and installers.

Key parameters often referenced in the design of healthcare environments may need consideration but depending on the project some or all may be required across multiple areas.

key parameters

AMF THERMATEX Acoustic Medical ceiling tiles are designed to meet or exceed most healthcare requirements.

Excellent balanced acoustics:

  • High sound absorption (NRC 0.70)
  • Excellent sound attenuation (40dB)

AMF THERMATEX Aquatec Medical ceiling tiles are recommended where higher acoustic absorption and/or humidity resistance is required.

AMF THERMATEX Acoustic ceiling tiles are recommended where balanced acoustic performance is required.

THERMATEX Acoustic ceilings provide excellent balanced acoustics:

  • High sound absorption (NRC 0.70)
  • Excellent sound attenuation (40dB)

Contact us or an AMF distributor for more information.